I love our city and I’m passionate about our community!



  • Advocating for Public Safety in Erlanger and for the needs of our Police and First Responders.

  • Fiscal Responsibility and Good Stewardship of taxpayer dollars

  • Transparent Government

  • Business Growth and Development

  • Combatting the drug epidemic 

  • Road and Sidewalk Improvements

  • Practical Capital Improvements 

  • Community Engagement


Business Development and Growth

As the Chairwoman of the Small Business Task Force I was eager to help create meaningful change in our great city. In 2019, the Small Business Task Force created and the Council passed a match-grant proposal to help Legacy (older than 10 years in Erlanger) businesses in Erlanger to improve their brick-and-mortar façade. In early 2020, the Blight Task Force created a Demolition Grant to help aid in the demolition and removal of blighted property where improvements are desired. In 2020 I organized a city event in conjunction with TriEd and the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development to highlight underutilized tax credits available to Kentucky businesses. During the pandemic, I organized a campaign in partnership with CincyShirts to raise money for Erlanger small businesses who were financially impacted by the shutdown and pandemic.

Recently, the Small Business Task Force proposed expanding the Legacy Revitalization Grant match-grant to all Erlanger brick-and-mortar businesses in an effort to help those seeking façade improvement opportunities amid the crisis. For 2022-2023 I hope to work with the Small Business Task Force to incorporate site readiness into our grant programs. 


Transparency and Accountability

As a finance and audit professional, I understand the importance of transparency and accountability. Serving on the Finance and Economic Development Committee and Ad Hoc Budget Committee I’ve worked with city staff to have unwavering access to the financial data and interworking of our city’s budget and operations. I’ve reviewed monthly check registers, analyzed raw data and revenue projections, researched market trends for our region and its employers, and helped pass one of the toughest budgets in Erlanger’s history. Taxes are always a hot button for discussion. As a pragmatic councilwoman, I have reviewed the data and revenue projections and voted to lower taxes every fiscal year that I’ve served on council. Upon re-election, I promise to continue my transparency efforts and good stewardship of taxpayer dollars.


Beautifying Erlanger

Capital projects are essential to a community. I promise to continue support of practical capital projects that improve our roads, sidewalks, and parks that help keep our city beautiful. I love our growing city and I want it to continue to be a local hub of desirable living and commerce.


Public Safety

Public safety is a critical factor to keeping Erlanger an attractive place to live and work, and I am a fierce supporter of Law Enforcement. Public Safety drives our entire city ecosystem. I’m a pro-police and first responder Councilwoman. In 2019, I advocated for a replacement ambulance for our EMS department because our residents and first responders deserve the most state of the art, life-saving equipment. Every minute of delayed response can be a matter of life or death. I am committed to making sure our Erlanger Police and Fire/EMS departments have the necessary equipment to save lives and protect our community. Body cameras and their technological infrastructural requirements do not come cheaply and our police K-9s are some of the best in the Commonwealth. The tax dollars of our residents are utilized to secure these necessary resources.

Our officers serve our communities in so many wonderful ways. We have a police social worker and school resource officers that we employ who help us meet the ever-changing needs of our citizens. In 2022, I voted in support of adding an additional School Resource Officer and voted for fair compensation increases to make Erlanger competitive for our elite men and women who serve.

Upon re-election, I promise to continue advocating for our Erlanger police and first responders along with our public safety and community outreach needs.

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Most importantly...

I’m asking for support in the upcoming election so that I can continue to serve the residents of Erlanger with all issues, large and small, and hold the city accountable to the needs of its citizens.


I ran for Erlanger City Council in 2018 because I wanted to create a climate of accountability for our citizens. I’m seeking re-election to continue this mission and promise. I’ve served four years on Erlanger City Council where I have served on various committees and helped to create grant programs to tackle blight, demolition, and economic development.

I have the Erlanger residents and business owners in the forefront of my mind with each vote I cast.


  • Chairwoman of the Small Business Task Force (2019-Current)

  • Ad Hoc budget committee(2021-Current)

  • Finance and Economic Development Committee (2019-2020) Dissolved

  • Emergency Preparation Task Force (2022)

  • Farmer’s Market Task Force (2022)

  • Blight Task Force (2019-2020) Dissolved

  • Council Representative/Alternant Appointment for Planning and Development Services of Kenton County (2019-2020)


About Me

Rebecca Reckers

My name is Rebecca Reckers and I am currently a councilwoman here in the great City of Erlanger! I’m married to Lloyd graduate, Ted Reckers, and we have a sweet little boy.

I have my Bachelor of Science from Wright State University and my Master of Business Administration from NKU and have worked as a finance professional for over 15 years.

Outside of work, I demonstrate a passion for people by supporting non-profit organizations in the community that help to end homelessness and to break the cycle of poverty.

I love our city and I'm passionate about my family, friends, and neighbors. The future of Erlanger is bright and I want to continue to work with the administration and be part of the team that guides Erlanger to a prosperous future.



